
These are the five types of parameters that you can create with Metrics and what each of them do:

  • Geometry parameters: they measure lengths and areas.

  • Category parameters: they classify Rhino objects into different classes.

  • Number parameters: they assign a specific numeric value to an object.

  • Formula parameters: they make calculations using Geometry and Number Parameters.

  • Text parameters: they assign text to Rhino objects.

The rules that apply to all parameters regardless of their type are the following:

  • To create a new parameter, go to the Create Parameter panel and click on New.

  • To assign a new parameter to a Rhino geometry select that object and go to the Parameters panel and click on Assign. Select then the parameters that have to be assigned to that object. When you are done choosing the parameters, click on Save. If you click on Close, the operation is cancelled.

  • If several Rhino objects that have the same parameter are selected, the Parameter Panel will read <varies>. The only parameters that do not work in this way are Geometry and Formula Parameters, since when several objects that have been assigned these Parameters are selected, Metrics will compute the total value (addition).

  • When objects that contain different parameters are selected, the Parameters Panel will show only the parameters that are common to those objects.

  • Numbers and spaces cannot be included in the names of parameters. Metrics will automatically remove them.

  • To delete a parameter select it in the Create Parameters panel and then click on Delete.

Last updated