Creating Levels
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Metrics allows you to automatically create levels in your Rhino file and assign your geometry to these levels. For this, create lines as a reference to generate the levels. These lines need to be parallel to the XY plane of the World Bottom default construction plane of Rhino, because Metrics only creates leves based on this plane exclusively. See the image below as a reference to check how these reference lines could be drawn for the levels.
Once the reference lines for the levels have been drawn go to the Levels panel, click on Create, select the lines and click Enter or the right button of the mouse. You will then see a level (a text output in the Rhino environment) for each those lines. This text includes the following information:
The level name is written as "Level 1"...
The height of the level referenced to the universal origin of the Rhino file. This means that the height of the first level, Level 1, will be 0 if the line is located in the XY plane of the World Bottom default construction plane of Rhino. If this line is not located in this plane, then the height will be measured referenced to it.
Metrics generates the level names by default, but you can modify these names manually by double clicking on the corresponding level in the Levels Panel. Once inside of the menu, edit the name and click on Done. Be aware that when renaming levels, you will not get a warning if two levels have the same name. To correct this, take a look at the value of the elevation column. The bottom reference line is always consider Level 1, so remember this when using lines for underground levels.
Be aware that when renaming levels, you will not get a warning if two levels have the same name. To correct this, take a look at the value of the elevation column.
If you want to delete any of the levels the correct way of doing this, is deleting it from the Levels panel selecting the level and clicking on Delete.
If you delete the line instead of the level in the Levels panel, the level will not disappear from the database of Metrics. If the reference line is deleted instead of the level in the Levels panel, the level will be deleted from the Rhino canvas, but it is not recommendable as the level will not disappear in the Levels Panel. In this case, you would need to delete the level from the Levels panel with the previous method or close the Rhino file and open it again.